David DePape Net Worth: Canadian-born David DePape became famous for breaking into the home of Nancy Pelosi, the former speaker of the US House of Representatives, and attacking her husband Paul Pelosi with a hammer in October 2022.
In November 2023, he was found guilty of trying to kidnap a federal official and attacking a personal family member of a federal official.
No one knows how much DePape is worth, but he was said to have made jewelry out of hemp and been an activist for nudists in California. He also wrote about his ideas about government corruption, media manipulation, and alien invasion in conspiracy theories on a blog and on social media.
DePape claimed that he wanted to hold Nancy Pelosi hostage and question her about the rigged 2020 presidential election.
Who is David DePape?
He was born in Canada but has lived in the US for more than 20 years. He makes jewelry out of hemp and was an activist for public nudity in San Francisco. He also criticizes the United States government and follows right-wing conspiracy theories.

David DePape’s Net Worth is Unknown
Unfortunately, the internet doesn’t have any reliable details about how much money DePape has. He probably doesn’t have a lot of money or assets, though, because of what he does for a living and how he lives.
Oxane “Gypsy” Taub, a well-known nudist activist, her three children, and her fiancé lived with him in a three-bedroom apartment in Berkeley.
Additionally, he hadn’t communicated with his Canadian family in a long time. He might be able to make a little money by selling his hemp jewelry, but probably not enough to live on.
What Did He Do to the Husband of Nancy Pelosi?
On October 28, 2022, DePape broke into the San Francisco home of former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He planned to hold her hostage and “break her kneecaps” if she told him the truth. He also planned to dress up as an inflatable unicorn and record his questioning of Nancy Pelosi so that he could put it online.

He attacked her 82-year-old husband, Paul Pelosi, with a hammer, though. Paul Pelosi broke his skull and had to go to the hospital. DePape was caught by police and charged with trying to kidnap a federal official and hitting a member of that official’s immediate family.
What is David DePape’s Current Status?
DePape was found guilty by a jury on November 16, 2023, and is now waiting for his sentence. The punishment for his crimes could be 50 years in jail.
He is also being charged by the state with assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, residential burglary, and other felonies. On November 29, 2023, a hearing will decide when his state trial will take place.
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When David DePape, a Canadian nudist activist and hemp jeweler, broke into Nancy Pelosi’s house and attacked her husband with a hammer, he gained attention. He was driven by his belief in conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 US presidential election and wanted to interrogate Pelosi about it.
The punishment for his misdeeds will likely be significant time behind bars. It’s unclear how much money he has, but it’s probably not a lot. He has pushed away both his family and the rest of society with his contentious and violent behavior.