“Bad Thinking Diary” is an intriguing manga story about a troubled young woman’s journey through the maze of her mind. She finds comfort in writing down her feelings and ideas in a diary while she struggles with anxiety, sadness, and other mental health difficulties.
Read “Bad Thinking Diary” if you enjoy manga that makes you think deeply about the human condition. However, it can be difficult to know where to find all the chapters of this engaging series, as there are so many online platforms to pick from.
Some of the most well-known websites for reading manga and webcomics are discussed in this article. These websites include MangaBuddy, Mangakakalot.so, Novel Cool, anime planet, manganelo.tv, manga-bay, and Lehzin Comics. If you’re a fan of manga or curious about trying it out for the first time, we’ll point you in the direction of where you can read the rest of “Bad Thinking Diary.”
Bad Thinking Dairy Storyline
They’ve always been together, Min-Ji and Yu-Na. They’ve known each other since they were 17 and are close friends even now that they’re 21. The connection shifts slightly from day to day. Min-Ji began having crazy dreams about Yu-Na.
They are no longer just best friends; their relationship is shifting. Sadness, enthusiasm, and obsession over unrequited love. Their own internalized “bad ideas” were maturing. Where will their terrible ideas, conceived on a verdant college campus, end up?
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Bad Thinking Diary Manga Manga Series: Where to Read All the Chapters?
These websites, including MangaBuddy, Mangakakalot.so, Novel Cool, anime planet, manganelo.tv, manga-bay, and Lehzin Comics, are all places where you may read manga and/or webcomics on your computer or mobile device.
Lezhin Comics
Lezhin Comics is a website and mobile app that hosts a variety of webcomics for its readers to read, some of which are free while others require payment.
Users can make reading lists and bookmark their favorite comics, and the site features comics from a variety of genres (such as romance, action, and comedy).
MangaBuddy is an Android app that provides access to hundreds of manga volumes across many different categories. Manga may be searched for and added to personal reading lists, and users can sign up for chapter release alerts.
Mangakakalot.so is a website that hosts a large database of manga works in many different categories. Users may construct reading lists and save their favorite manga, and the site features both finished and continuing series.
Novel Cool
Novel Cool is a website that has a lot of Japanese light novels, web novels, and manga in many languages and themes. People can read books and manga online or download them to read when they have time. Novel Cool also has a community area where people can talk about their favorite books and authors.
Anime Planet
Anime Planet is a website that lets you track, discover, and rate anime and manga. Users can also make their reviews, lists, and suggestions.
The library on Anime Planet has more than 50,000 anime and manga titles, and the site also has a social network with more than 2 million fans.
Manganelo.tv is a website that lets you read thousands of manga and manhwa online for free and quickly. Music fans can look through albums by type, popularity, date added, or alphabetical order. Manganelo.tv also has an app for phones that lets people read manga on the go.
Manga-Bay is a website that focuses on manga and manhua from China, Korea, and Japan. People can read the newest parts of well-known books and also find new and unpublished works. Manga-Bay also has a blog where people can read stories and reviews and find out how to read manga and manhua.
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The content is a review of the manga series “Bad Thinking Diary,” which is about how two young women who are more than friends deal with their complicated feelings. The writing explains what the manga is about and who the characters are.
It then gives four websites where all the chapters can be found. The article wants to persuade manga fans to read “Bad Thinking Diary” and enjoy its psychological depth and artistic style.